Pursue a Doctorate
The doctorate is your first independent research project which contributes significantly to science and research. A doctoral degree is the highest academic degree that a higher education institution can award. The Association for Doctoral Studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg offers you the opportunity to conduct innovative and practice-oriented research and to pursue a doctorate in the fields of behavioral and social sciences, economics and law, life sciences, biotechnology, medical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and engineering.
The general doctoral regulations and the doctoral regulations of the respective departments apply to your doctoral program. The regulations can be found in our bulletin.
If you would like to submit an application for admission, please follow the steps below and make sure to go over the application checklist.
Current Information
Please note that all applications are processed in the order they are received.
The formal review process prior to a committee meeting, the required preparation time for the members of the doctoral committee considering submission deadlines, and the varying complexity of each application all take time. This may result in some applications, submitted later, being decided on earlier in certain cases.
You will receive further information once your application has been processed. We kindly ask that you refrain from inquiring about the status of your application to avoid any delays in the process.
Please also check our FAQs, where you can find answers to many of your questions!
Note on the opening of the doctoral procedure
We kindly ask you to refrain from submitting applications for the opening of the doctoral procedure at this time. As soon as a submission is possible, we will inform you promptly via our newsletter and our website and provide you with all the necessary information.
Thank you for your understanding.
Why pursue a doctorate with the Association for Doctoral Studies Baden-Württemberg?
The Land of Baden-Württemberg is well-known for its creative and inventive minds, and it is one of the world’s most successful regions in promoting ingenuity.
The intellect and competence of Germany’s third-largest federal state are reflected in brilliant ideas, clever solutions and innovative applications.
Universities of applied sciences have a particularly important role in advancing these aspects. They offer professional and practice-oriented education to all students and doctoral candidates. Application-oriented research and consistent quality assurance through quality management are key to universities of applied sciences. In addition, the research conducted has innovative potential and is often directly relevant to businesses.
Conclude a supervision agreement
You have decided to pursue a doctorate? The first step is to find a main supervisor who suits you and your research topic and who is able to supervise your dissertation project. All professors who are members of the Association for Doctoral Studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg are eligible to be supervisors. You may contact potential supervisors, discuss relevant questions, and conclude a supervision agreement with them.
2. Submit an application for admission to the Association for Doctoral Studies Baden-Wuerttemberg
You have found a suitable main supervisor and possibly already a second supervisor, concluded the supervision agreement, and would now like to apply to be a doctoral candidate? Go ahead and fill out the application form for admission and, along with the supervision agreement and all other required documents, submit it by mail and email (with the subject line “Application for admission”) to
Promotionsverband Baden-Württemberg
Hospitalstraße 8
70174 Stuttgart
Please carefully read the information provided in the application checklist before submitting your application.
3. Enroll at the higher education institution of the main supervisor
Provided the doctoral committee has approved your application, you will receive a letter of admission. This letter must be submitted to the higher education institution of your main supervisor upon enrollment. According to section 38 subsection 5 sentence 1 of the act on the higher education institutions in the Land of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz, LHG), you are required to enroll at a higher education institution. According to section 38 subsection 5 sentence 1 second clause LHG, doctoral candidates may request to be exempt from mandatory enrollment if their main profession is at the higher education institution of the main supervisor and the working time equals at least 50 percent of the regular working time of a full-time position.
Further information on the application
If you have any further questions
please contact the administrative office
E-Mail: info(at)promotionsverband-bw.de
Tel: 0711-995281-70